From: Bayesian Models for Astrophysical Data, Cambridge Univ. Press
(c) 2017, Joseph M. Hilbe, Rafael S. de Souza and Emille E. O. Ishida
you are kindly asked to include the complete citation if you used this material in a publication
Code 5.9 Log-inverse-Gaussian data
set.seed(1056) # set seed to replicate example
nobs = 3000 # number of obs in model
x1 <- runif(nobs) # random uniform variable
xb <- 1 + 0.5*x1
mu <- exp(xb)
y <- rinvgauss(nobs, mu, 20) # create y as adjusted random inverse-gaussian variate
Code 5.10 Log-inverse-Gaussian model in R using JAGS
X <- model.matrix(~ 1 + x1)
K <- ncol(X)
model.data <- list(Y = y, # response
X = X, # covariates
N = nobs, # sample size
K = K, # number of betas
Zeros = rep(0,nobs))
# Diffuse normal priors betas
for (i in 1:K) { beta[i] ~ dnorm(0, 0.0001)}
# Prior for lambda parameter of inverse Gaussian distribution
num ~ dnorm(0, 0.0016) # <----half-Cauchy(25)
denom ~ dnorm(0, 1) # <----half-Cauchy(25)
lambda <- abs(num / denom) # <----half-Cauchy(25)
# Likelihood
C <- 10000
for (i in 1:N){
Zeros[i] ~ dpois(Zeros.mean[i])
Zeros.mean[i] <- -L[i] + C
l1[i] <- 0.5 * (log(lambda) - log(2 * 3.141593 * Y[i]^3))
l2[i] <- -lambda * (Y[i] - mu[i])^2 / (2 * mu[i]^2 * Y[i])
L[i] <- l1[i] + l2[i]
log(mu[i]) <- inprod(beta[], X[i,])
",fill = TRUE)
inits <- function () {
beta = rnorm(ncol(X), 0, 0.1),
num = rnorm(1, 0, 25),
denom = rnorm(1, 0, 1) ) }
params <- c("beta", "lambda")
IVG <- jags(data = model.data,
inits = inits,
parameters = params,
model = "IGGLM.txt",
n.thin = 1,
n.chains = 3,
n.burnin = 2500,
n.iter = 5000)
print(IVG, intervals=c(0.025, 0.975), digits=3)

Output on screen:
Inference for Bugs model at "IGGLM.txt", fit using jags,
3 chains, each with 5000 iterations (first 2500 discarded)
n.sims = 7500 iterations saved
mu.vect sd.vect 2.5% 97.5% Rhat n.eff
beta[1] 0.995 0.015 0.966 1.023 1.001 4300
beta[2] 0.517 0.027 0.467 0.570 1.001 3500
lambda 20.400 0.529 19.374 21.470 1.001 7500
deviance 60010045.450 2.579 60010042.573 60010052.445 1.000 1
For each parameter, n.eff is a crude measure of effective sample size,
and Rhat is the potential scale reduction factor (at convergence, Rhat=1).
DIC info (using the rule, pD = var(deviance)/2)
pD = 3.3 and DIC = 60010048.8
DIC is an estimate of expected predictive error (lower deviance is better).